First Steps of Learning Preschool uses a theme-based curriculum in conjunction with The Creative Curriculum that encourages children to think, reason, question and problem solve. Interactive learning centers include math experiences, science exploration, creative art, music and movement, dramatic play, and language fundamentals. In each classroom, we provide a balance of child-directed and teacher-directed activities.
We have developed a strong preschool and prekindergarten program. It is our goal to prepare your child to have a successful and positive school experience. Our program is geared towards the total academic, physical, and social development necessary to enter school with solid fundamental skills. Our academic program exposes and introduces our preschool and prekindergarten age children to basic phonics, reading readiness, and mathematical skills development. Through hands on science activities, our curriculum challenges the children's imagination and creativity. Their natural creativity is kindled by means of arts, crafts, and musical activities. We also encourage them to acquire and use a positive social behavior. Our program offers your child a variety of weekly themes, which will give them an ample perspective of their world.
First Steps of Learning Preschool is here to challenge each child through logical and creative thinking skills. Our program is structured to give each child the solid foundation of core values and key educational components needed to prepare them for the next level of their education.
Copyright 2013. First Steps of Learning / Camp Seminole. All rights reserved.